Peter Mulhall
Peter Mulhall
Hi, my name is Peter Mulhall. I am a father of three grown children, and I’m married to an amazing woman who I met when we were teenagers. For the past 20+ years I have been working as a psychologist and psychotherapist, and more recently as a researcher in academia. I have worked in the NHS, community, voluntary and private sectors (including Child & Family teams, Adult Mental Health, ‘Looked After Children’, Learning Disabilities, Addictions and specialist trauma services). I have served on the board of a local secondary school and a local community charity that provided free access to psychotherapy. As a hobby I teach canoeing and kayaking and I have served as the Coaching Chair of the National Governing Body and on the coaching strategy group of an international NGB.
My journey in private practice began in 2007 and I have been involved in supporting men’s groups since 2008. Over the past twenty years I have trained in a range of therapeutic styles from psychoanalytic to Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR). I am an EMDR Consultant, a qualified clinical supervisor and a Certified Shadow Work Group Facilitator and Coach. I have a first-class honours degree in Applied Psychology, a bunch of diplomas and a PhD. I am passionate about learning and teaching, and particularly about empowering and supporting others to enjoy their own learning journey.
I have served the MKP UK & Ireland community in a number of roles to date and in these unprecedented times of change that the organisation is experiencing, both with it’s own process of growth, and external factors, I know that I can make valuable contributions to the development and oversight of the organisation. As a Trustee, I bring a wealth of experience in working in the community and voluntary sectors. I have experience in strategic workforce planning, change implementation, and conflict resolution. I have a deep appreciation for, and of, the MKP UK & Ireland community and value it’s ethos, values, and the unique way that it supports men’s growth. I want to see MKP UK & Ireland; I thrive through these challenges and I am willing to step forward and do my bit to support it.
Why is MKPUK&I Significant to Me?
Since completing the NWTA in 2008 and the PIT in 2009, MKP has given me a shame-free place where I can learn about myself and grow. Over the past 12 years I have had many opportunities to experience support, acceptance, love, and challenge. I have met many men that I have grown to trust and love, and many men who have helped me see parts of myself that I had been blind to. This process has made profound changes to how I see myself and those in my life, and has been an enormous gift to me. I enjoy sharing that gift so much with others that I have been very actively involved with supporting MKP UK & Ireland I activities through mentoring i-groups, organising trainings, PITs and staffing NWTAs.
On a wider societal level, growing up in Northern Ireland, I know that the type of life-changing opportunities that MKP offers are a rare thing. I can see the benefits that MKP UK & Ireland can offer in helping men come together, explore difficult truths and find the potential for healing. I believe that this is sorely needed both within the island of Ireland, and between Ireland and the UK. There is a well of multi-generational cultural healing that is needed in Ireland and I would like to encourage more active involvement of MKP UK&I in this process.
Since being elected to the Board of Trustees I am the only Trustee currently living on the island of Ireland.