PIT (Primary Integration Training) FAQs

What is a PIT?

PIT stands for "Primary Integration Training". It is the ManKind Project's follow up facilitated training to the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA). The purpose of the PIT is to reinforce the ideas and concepts you were introduced to on the NWTA and to prepare you to join an ongoing local I-Group. 

The PIT is a smaller and more intimate circle than the NWTA, with more time for reflection and integration. Many men find it a powerful experience.

Attending a PIT is a requirement to join most ManKind Project I-Groups/Men’s Groups/Circles and to staff on a NWTA.

There are two types of PIT:

9 Week Online PITs run weekly on the same day for 3 hours each week, gradually working though the PIT course. The same group of participants and staff attend each week. These may also be run over 6 sessions with the first and last being longer ones.

PIT Intensives run IN PERSON over 2-3 full days (usually Friday evening to Sunday afternoon), covering the more experiential PIT materials in a condensed period of time - These are only for men who are already attending a regular MKP I-Group/Men’s Group/Circle and the possibility exists to have such an event run within your group. Most PIT Intensives are non-residential

Online PITs are now included in the price of an NWTA and typically begin two weeks after the end of the NWTA.

It is now commonplace for most men who have recently attended their NWTA to go straight to a PIT, but you do not have to have done the NWTA recently they are open to all NWTA initiated men, regardless of when or where they initiated - BOOK HERE

What will I get from a PIT?

Transformation can be strengthened within safe circles of men who learn to give and receive support to and from one another. The weeks following the NWTA can be challenging as we integrate our new perspectives into our daily lives. For this reason, each participant is encouraged to attend the PIT process, which provides greater insight in to the processes experienced in NWTA and helps to give men the skills to enable them to create and/or participate in a healthy ongoing support group (I-Group/Men’s group/Circle). As valuable as most men find the NWTA, the vast majority believe their ongoing weekly or biweekly integration groups are even more important to their own ongoing personal growth and well-being.

Any further questions, please email the Training Manager